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Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy – Oscar’s Moving Company

At Oscar’s Moving Company, we recognize the significant impact our purchasing decisions have on the environment and our overall sustainability efforts. This Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy reflects our commitment to making responsible and environmentally conscious choices when procuring goods and services. By adopting this policy, we aim to minimize our ecological footprint, support sustainable practices, and contribute to a healthier planet.

1. Sustainable Products and Materials:

2. Energy Efficiency:

3. Recycled and Recyclable Content:

4. Minimization of Packaging:

5. Local and Sustainable Sourcing:

6. Chemical and Toxin Reduction:

7. Life Cycle Assessment:

8. Supplier Engagement:

9. Employee Education and Awareness:

10. Continuous Improvement:

By adhering to this Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy, Oscar’s Moving Company is dedicated to making informed and responsible choices that align with our commitment to environmental stewardship. We believe that through sustainable procurement practices, we can contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future.

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